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Citizenship by Descent Forms

This page serves as a resource for potential applicants, guiding them through the application process, eligibility criteria, and required documentation. Please note that the following checklist items MUST accompany all Citizenship applications:

Application for Citizenship Checklist

All documents must be original.

Two (2) completed citizenship application forms accompanied by the following documents:

  • Birth Certificates of the Applicant, Parent and GrandParent as applicable  
  • Marriage Certificate/Divorce Decree of Parent/Applicant/ Grand Parent (if applicable)
  • Coloured copy of Passport (s) bio page, valid to be certified at the High Commission
  • Four (4) 2”x2” Passport size photos to be certified at the High Commission
  • Certificate of Character from home Country/Saint Lucia/Any other country lived

Cover letters are required from the applicant authorizing Law Firms or individuals making application submissions on their behalf. 

Fees to be paid in Saint Lucia

Stamps EC$25.00/XCD $11.00 purchased from a local Post Office

Citizenship Fees:   Child EC$300.00

                                Adult EC$550.00

Fees to be paid at the Saint Lucia High Commission

Document verification – £20.00

NB: Based on a review of the application, additional documents may be required.